Whatsapp on another call meaning
Whatsapp on another call meaning

whatsapp on another call meaning

Finding out ''What does line busy mean?'' and the specific context at play should that happen, will help you, the caller and the receiver. Similarly, calling someone and getting a line busy response can raise several questions. Moreover, there are available call reject apps that you can download to your device.Ĭhoosing to be unreachable on your mobile phone can have its consequences, especially if not explained prior. You could also dial **67*phone number of the person#. The callers will automatically get a busy signal. Open WhatsApp, choose the person you want to block either.

whatsapp on another call meaning

You can configure your phone busy settings and divert incoming calls to busy. You can stop receiving messages, calls and status updates from certain contacts by blocking them. There are several ways that this can be achieved. If you do not wish to have your phone off, you could make it busy until you are in a position to engage. You may want to be unreachable for a while, for a variety of reasons. 10 best dating sites for black women How to make phone busy when someone calls Image:.

Whatsapp on another call meaning