Medal of honor allied assult walkthrough
Medal of honor allied assult walkthrough

Jump down and watch the murder hole on the front door.

medal of honor allied assult walkthrough

When you're ready head up the ladder and bomb the flak cannon up there. There are two more guards on this level and a few health packs. Surprise the two guards watching the entrance. Continue south until you reach the concrete building. Head due south and watch for the sniper on the high ledge ahead and to your left. There's another flak cannon that must be dealt with. Creep up slowly from the left and snipe the four soldiers inside. Now head directly to your next destination but stop once you see the trees thin out again. Turn back and wait for any guards that may appear. Take out any guards you see and wait to see if others appear. As you near the top of the hill, you should see some enemy sandbags ahead. If you're not careful, you'll walk right into the next enemy position. Continue on towards your waypoint but be alert. Head southwest around the large hill in front of you. He'll nail you as soon as he can so keep an eye out for him. There's an enemy sniper high up and just off to the right. Remember to walk so you don't slip as much. Head south down the hill and then follow your compass up to the next big hill. Plant the charge on the 20mm flak gun and run like hell.

medal of honor allied assult walkthrough

Creep forward and kill the three soldiers stationed here. Head west along the wall until you spot an enemy bunker. The Siegfried Forest Move straight ahead until you come to a wall. You've been attached to a special assault force tasked with destroying the compound for good. It looks like the Germans have it up and running again and are using POWs to test their new chemical weapons.

medal of honor allied assult walkthrough medal of honor allied assult walkthrough

One of your special forces counterparts blew up a chemical weapons factory some time back. Mission 6: The Return to Schmerzen, Siegfried Line, Germany January 18, 1945

Medal of honor allied assult walkthrough